I was
working in a auto salvage at the time, while pulling parts I found
these small gears in the backseat of a car and I realized they were
discarded starter parts, having a thing for mechanical items
I gathered them up thinking they would become part of an assemblage or
something, I was driving home that night and stopped at traffic light and
saw sunflowers on the road side dancing in the wind, that's when the idea hit
me to try and make flowers from them. Several failed attempts to create a
green stems that would allow a swaying motion lead me to try bailing wire, the
bolts are from a car fender, they pass through the center of the gears
and attach the wire to the gear/flower. I tried several different
items for a vase, none seemed to work. I had a few ceramic tile corners I had
bought , at first I just taped them together to get an idea what it would look
like, it clicked like a puzzle snapping together, a bit of sheet rock tape and
patch plaster I had me a vase. But what to fill the vase with, on whim I used
some of my steel wool to fill it, like moss you see in flower arrangements.
With the simple lines and steel mixed with ceramics Industrial Flowers fits as
a name.